Plenty of Lion’s Arch’s quaggan population came from
colder climates, so there are masses of them huddling in
every fountain in the city to beat the heat. I wouldn’t mind,
except I know from experience they’re not here to buy
anything. If you’re a fan, you can grab all kinds of quaggan-
themed goods this week at a discount and show your
support for everyone’s favorite walking fish-disposal units.
Quaggans for Sale
Get a load of this 20% discount on quaggan-
themed items, including the Fuzzy Quaggan
Hat, Aviator Quaggan Mail Carrier, and
more. Check back throughout the week to
see what’s on sale!
Xera’s Mask
If you’d rather have a fearsome hat than a
fuzzy one, look no further than this mask,
inspired by recent reports of White Mantle
activity in the jungle. No, really, don’t look
any further. The artist is having nightmares.
Armor Skin Sale
There’s no better time to fill out your
wardrobe with the Aetherblade,
Flamekissed, and Zodiac armors, which are
going on sale for limited periods throughout
the week! We’re also offering a one-time
value pack of a Total Makeover Kit and
Transmutation Stones so you can shake up
your whole look.
Available Now in the Gem Store!
Log into Guild Wars 2 and press ‘O’ to access the Black Lion Trading Company for these great offers and more!
Fuzzy Quaggan Hat: 160 (20% Off 200
Fuzzy Quaggan Hat with Bow: 160 (20% Off 200
Aviator Quaggan Mail Carrier: 400 (20% Off 500